Cello is not an easy instrument to play, but I can make learning to play it easy.

I fully believe that anyone at any age can learn to play the cello. It involves a positive, motivational atmosphere immersed in music and it's all about breaking down large concepts into a series of small, achievable goals that even the most inexperienced students can accomplish. If a three year old can do it, so can adult students; which is why I love working with students of all ages.
Some students walk into their first lesson under the impression that they are simply going to learn how to play cello, but it is so much more than that. It's not just how to shift to different positions or how to read music and rhythms. It's those things combined with lessons on music history and music theory all while learning to play the cello at the same time . I believe this creates a well rounded musician - one who can do more than just play the notes on the page, one who can also tell you you about the composer, the era he is from, and the musical theory behind the notes.
My private in-home studio
I believe that anyone at any age can learn to play the cello.
All it takes is practice, guidance, and time. The Suzuki method is best for young children and traditional/mixed-Suzuki is better for older students. I shape each lesson to the student. I allow each student to progress and master skills and techniques at their own pace while still pushing them to try their hardest and improve themselves. I know when it's time to change gears if one approach isn't working. Each student has their own way of learning and lessons should be catered to that.
I tell all of my students, "Little and often makes a lot in time".
Practice involves repetition and it teaches students to set and work towards their goals. It is very important that students practice on a regular basis. I encourage my students to keep track of how many days they practice each week and to set goals to practice at least five out of the seven days every week. The regular repetition helps the body memorize the positions and patterns and all of the little things the hands must do to achieve a good sound with different bow strokes. Practice makes what once was difficult seem easy, allowing for students to grow and master more advanced techniques and repertoire. Students feel happy and proud when they accomplish the goals they've worked for.
Learning to play cello promotes cognitive development, coordination, and self discipline.
Through music, students also learn valuable life lessons and skills. Such as self discipline; you have to practice even if you don't feel like it. Math; music involves counting, each finger correspondes to a number, and music theory revolves around numbers. Cognitive skills; music improves memory and is written in it's own language that the student must learn to read and interpret. Coordination; when playing cello, you are doing two completely different things with each of your hands at the same time. Communication; the student must convey moods or messages nonverbally through music.
For more information about cello lessons and pricing, please don't hesitate to contact me.